@SeaBreeze: I contradicted you by explaining the wrong translation from original Hebrew. Everywhere in Genesis nefesh is used which is used for any living person or being, including animals which in Christian tradition do not have souls. You have to do a bit better than misquoting a particular scripture which doesn’t even talk about souls and doesn’t even have a common translation. The only mention of death in Gen 25:18 is KJV which is not a proper translation by any means, no other translation mentions the death of Ishmael.
Information does have mass per the work of Claude Shannon and Rolf Landauer by the principles of whose theories you are currently even capable of writing your message on these forums. The idea that information has no mass has been outdated for well over 60 years https://pubs.aip.org/aip/adv/article/9/9/095206/1076232/The-mass-energy-information-equivalence-principle#
Edit: I think you were talking about Gen 35:18, once again you are basing your ideas on the concept INTRODUCED by the KJV that ‘the soul was leaving her body’, more accurate translation simply state “As she took her last breath”. The word used nefesh is also used in Gen 1:20, 9:10 etc which is not applicable to the idea of a uniquely human soul that is separate from the body. I don’t see any translation that supports that idea.